No feed-in power?
Still feed-in solar power!

Using ZonBalans, it is possible to benefit from times when the grid is not fully utilised. This makes the feed-in of solar energy still possible, even if you do not yet have feed-in capacity.This allows you to feed back up to 70% of your unused generated energy. In addition, you always have the option of generating energy for your own use.

To start with ZonBalans, solar panels, a solar sensor and an Energy Control Unit are required. These must meet the requirements of Enexis. We provide all supplies for this. Costs may vary depending on your situation.

Thanks to ZonBalans, I can still supply my generated electricity back to the grid.
- Awood B.V.

How does
sun balance work?

The switching on and off of your solar installation happens automatically via our EnergyControl Unit and connected solar sensor.

With ZonBalans, you feed solar energy back outside of peak times. These are the moments when the grid is at its fullest. For example, on sunny days when a lot of generated power is fed back into the grid. The amount you can feed back depends on how brightly the sun is shining. Is the sun not shining brightly? Then, there is room to feed back up to 70% of the generated power.

When do you qualify?

Enexis approaches its customers with information about ZonBalans in phases. Only when you have received an invitation you can participate

In addition, you must meet
two requirements:

- You must be on the waiting list
for extension of your connection.

- Your installation must be located
in an Enexis area.

Efficiency is customised

Find out what else we
we can do for you

At Covolt, we believe in collaboration. Whether you manage a real estate portfolio, operate a solar farm or are an entrepreneur in agriculture, we work with you on smart energy management solutions. You know your business, we know energy - together we get the most out of it.